Friday, April 26, 2013

Movie or Book?

Author's Note: I wrote this as an opinion based piece on whether I preferred the movie or book for the story, A Clean Well-lighted Place.

In the video version of this story, you really get to see the characters facial expressions more and understand the idea of this story. Even the colors on the wall and the way they're dressed makes all the difference in the world. There is a lot of symbolism in this piece as well. There is thought that maybe Hemingway wrote this in perspective of him once being all of the characters. It shows the different generations and how you mature and age over the years. Overall, I think I prefer the video  over the story because I understood it better. In the written story, I got confused about who was saying what a lot of the time.

I thought the text version was still a very interesting story, but I definitely liked the movie better because it was visual. I think it really helped you understand the story better by seeing the characters and how the young man saw the old man. The young man was selfish and confident and all he wanted was to stay young. In the book, that showed, but it showed more in the movie. The middle aged waiter understood the old man, but he also agreed with the young waiter. He was a wise man that knew the ways of life. The old man was grumpy and alone. He once had everything and now, nothing. It really showed that in the movie by him having a beard and just looking scruffy. Although, he wore really nice clothes because he was a very wealthy old man. In all, I thought the movie explained it better. 

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