Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dear Hollis

Dear Hollis,

I feel like I’ve been with you since the beginning. You were a troubled child at first who just wanted one thing: a family. The child care agency put you in many different homes but you ran away. You weren’t fond of the old families only because you couldn’t relate to them. Not because they were mean or abused you or anything like that. You’re just a very artsy person and you love to draw, some people just don’t get that. You ran away from so many different families that you lost count, and you didn’t like one of them. Then, you met the Regan’s. They were different from any other family you’d ever been with before. Steven grew to be your best friend, and Izzy and the Old Man weren’t far behind. You loved this family more than you’d ever loved one of your chosen families before. This time was different; you  didn’t want to run away.

You started behaving and you just enjoyed life as much as possible. You spent every day with Steven; laughing, playing, loving life. The Old Man gave you a drawing notebook and colored pencils so you could express yourself by drawing. He knew how much you loved drawing and the whole family wanted to see some of your beautiful drawings. Steven and the Old man always told you about how beautiful the view was from at the top of the mountain. So, of  course, you wanted to draw it. The Old Man also said how dangerous the journey was getting up the mountain though. You desperately wanted to draw the view, so you decided you’d go up the mountain by yourself when no one was home. Well, that didn’t go so well and you ended up crashing down a hill in a truck with Steven. You’ve messed up a few times, but in the end, you turned out to be a great kid that the Regan’s loved to have in their family.

        Bella Mouradian


Author’s Note- I wrote this piece to show my understanding of prediction. While reading this piece, look for word choice.

I’m stuck, all alone with Ty, a guy I don’t even know. The last thing I remember is having coffee with someone I didn’t even know, at an airport. From then on, It’s been mostly a blur. Without me knowing, he took me to the vast desert, where all I can see for miles is red, hot sand. I can tell that he’s trying to make this place like home for me, but it never will be. Every day feels the same;  uncomfortable and I only wish for one thing, to go home. I’ve tried many times but I continue to fail. I’ll try to run, but he grabs me and holds me tight. He has the grip of a cobra: tight and strong. With his arms around me, I feel like there’s no chance of escape.

I kept following the pipe, praying it wouldn’t lead to a smaller space. I looked up but couldn’t see much, only grey shadows from the boulders above me. I squeezed past the rocks, scraping my arms, trying to keep sight of the pipe. Deep down inside of me, I knew this pipe led to somewhere safe. I could start to see sunlight peek out from the end of the trail. My heart started to race as I got my hopes up. I slowly made my way through the two rocks to see the other side. I opened my eyes wide when standing there was a figure I’d seen before. I went speechless and collapsed to the ground. Standing before me, was Ty.

My vision was blurry, but I could remember hearing voices. Different voices, more voices. I listened harder and heard someone talking about New York City. Finally, I was saved; no more being cooped up in a house, no more worrying about my life, and most of all, no more Ty. Wait, now that I think of it, where is Ty? I sat up, franticly looking around the taxi I was unknowingly placed in. He wasn’t in sight. I quickly bust open the door and stumbled out. I spun in circles, looking in all directions. Eyes wide, breathing heavy; that’s when I realized, Ty was gone.

I couldn’t describe my feeling. I was happy I was free of his presence, but I almost missed him. I wasn’t sure why though. He didn’t treat me right. A real man would’ve let me go when I wanted, not squeeze me in their arms until I burst to tears. It’s just that he knew me so well; how did he know me so well? I barely knew him. My head was aching of all these thoughts; I needed to focus on finding my parents. Looking around trying to find any sort of communication, I spotted a phone booth. Bumping into busy New Yorkers, I ran as fast as I could to it. I picked up the phone and quickly dialed.  I heard a ring, then another. I patiently waited to hear my mother’s voice.

“Mum, is that you?”
“Gemma! I’ve been worried sick about you! Where have you been?”
“I’ll explain everything later. I just need to come home, now!”
“Of course, of course! Oh, and make sure you hurry. One of your old friends stopped by. He said his name was Ty. I don’t know him but it sounds like you two are really close.”

At that moment, my heart sank to my feet. Ty’s waiting for me at my house. The phone slipped from my hand and sprung downward. I could hear my mother’s faint voice, “Gemma, are you there? Gemma?” Right then and there I knew, there was no escaping Ty. He had worked his way into my life and he wasn’t about to leave.

The Perfect Guy

Author’s Note- This piece is to explain what my ideal guy consists of. While reading this piece, pay attention to voice.

Not everyone has the same expectations while looking for that perfect someone. Some girls want a bad boy that breaks the rules, while some girls want a cute church boy. There is no such thing as the right type; everyone likes different things. I have certain standards that will make or break my relationship. So, pay attention and you just might be my future boyfriend.

In order to become my boyfriend, you have to be somewhat attractive. And by attractive, I don’t mean you need to be an Abercrombie model, although that’d be nice! I prefer abs and muscles, but if they are fit and play sports, I’m satisfied. They need to have good style and not just wear basketball shorts a t-shirt every day. I mean come on; girls have to dress up all the time! I like Hollister clothes, skinny jeans and vans or polo shoes. Also if they can work snapbacks, that’d be greatly appreciated. In other words, they need to have swag. I’m going to say this right off the bat… I don’t date short guys. I have that rule only because I’m 5”8 and that would look really awkward if I was with a guy that was per say, 5”2. Of course I want a guy with good looks, but that’s not the only thing I look for.

A player: exactly what I don’t want. I want a guy who is sweet and loving with me. I love when guys are somewhat protective with me too. When I say protective I don’t mean doesn’t let me talk to other guys at all and gets mad when I hang out with my friends a lot. That would be called over protective. I mean, gets jealous when another guy calls me pretty or when another guy tries to touch me and you automatically get defensive. Another thing that really wins me over is when guys want to show me off to their friends. I hate when I’m with them and their all “cutsie” with me, then one of their guy friends shows up and they act like they don’t even know me. Honestly, that gets me fired up! There’s one thing that could be a deal breaker for me, and that’s cuddling. I’m kind of obsessed with it. I just think it’s so cute and if a guy likes it too, I just want to marry him right then and there. I’m a sucker for long hugs and kisses too! I just wish every guy had all of these qualities and was perfect, but good relationships are all about compromise.

I’ve had some issues with over protective boyfriends in the past. Of course, I’m not naming names, but this guy was a real tool. He only thought about himself and never spared my feelings for a second. His best friend was my ex boyfriend. Yeah, I get that that can be kind of awkward, but he took this too far. He would get mad when I “stood to close to him.” Now that seems a little unreasonable. I’ve also been played before. The guy told me he liked me and only acted sweet to me sometimes. He always wanted me to break the rules and hang out with him. Later I found out he didn’t even like me, he just used me. Thank god I found out before we got too far into the relationship. I would’ve really be broken if I would’ve found out later. I’ve learned to not chase after boys and wait for them to come after you. Then, it means they really love and want to be with you. If you go after them, they give you least love and attention possible, most of the time. Not all relationships end up like this, these are just what has happened to me that I don’t want to happen again.

I’ve fallen in love a couple times already and they have been the best experiences. Both times I wound up heartbroken and sobbing to my friends. This time, it’ll be different though. I just need the perfect guy to treat me right and love me with all his heart. I know I ask for a lot, but I just want a boyfriend I really love. I want to love every piece of him and I just want him to be perfect. It’s a bit of an exaggeration to have all these qualities, but if you consist of most of them, then you might be my next boyfriend.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Break Up

Author’s Note- In this piece, look for voice and word choice.  I’m writing this from my point of view and it’s about a break up.

I clenched the car door handle, waiting for the car to come to a halt. “Wait, where’s my kiss?,” Carter questioned. I sat there and quietly sighed to myself. “Oh sorry, there’s a lot on my mind.” “Well, I guess I’ll walk you to the door now…,” he said reluctantly. We both opened our doors unsure of ourselves and made our way to the front of the house. The tension in air was heavy like a wet wool blanket. He stared at me with a blank look across his face as I tried not to make eye contact. He reached out expecting a hug, but instead watched me recoil with apprehension. I turned, heading towards the door when he stopped me in my tracks. “Bella, what’s wrong? Like, why are you acting so weird?,” he asked looking confused. “Nothing,” I muttered. Standing there in silence, I rushed for the door handle. I whipped it open and hurried up the stairs, leaving the door swaying behind me. Waiting outside, right before that door, was a soon to be single man.

I sit there, in my room, trying to collect my thoughts. Questioning myself whether this is the right move or not. All these thoughts racing through my head; it was like my conscious was speaking to me. “Bella, he’s not right for you. Just look at how he treats you. Now think, do you really want to be with this guy for the rest of your life? Why lead him on? Just break up with him while you have the chance. The perfect guy could be waiting right around the corner.”  I thought about it for a while and realized, that little voice in the back of my head was right. I do deserve better and I’m not going to stand for this any longer.

Ring, ring, ring. “Hello.” “Hey, do you want meet me at Starbuck’s to have a coffee or something?” “Sure, I’m just getting back from football practice so I’ll meet you there in about 20 minutes.” “Alright, see ya there.” “Yup, bye.” Shutting my phone I realized, this is it; no turning back now.

Sitting in the booth, I braced myself for what was about to come. He walked through the door and a chill went down my spine. “Hey, so should we go get some coffee?,” he said anxiously. “Um, actually I called you down here for something else. Here, sit down.” “There’s no easy way to say this… but I don’t think this is working out. Maybe we should break up.” He sat there speechless; wishing this was just a bad dream. We both sat in an awkward silence, when suddenly his phone rang. He answered with a shaky hello. He could feel me listening to his every word. I strained my ears struggling to hear the voice on the other line. I could make out some of the words; but I could hear that it was the voice of a girl. He hung up and I quickly  asked, “who was that?,” suspiciously. Scrambling to answer, he blurted out, “my sister!” We both paused for a moment. Then I realized… he doesn’t have a sister. When I first made my decision to break up with him, I was a little shaky; now, I’m 101% positive this is right. I stood up with revenge raging inside of me. “Have a good life Carter,” I told him. As I said that last word, I grasped my cup of coffee and dumped it on his head. The creamy coffee burned his neck as it dripped down. He sat there in embarrassment as I walked out of the coffee shop and I never spoke to him again.

In the end, I realized it was the right decision. That cheater doesn’t deserve my heart; he doesn’t deserve anything. After I thought about it for a while, I realized I don’t want to spend my time with someone that doesn’t make me happy now I’m with a new guy and his name is Justin. When I’m with him, I feel nothing but happiness and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. I tip to anyone going through this same situation; always listen to your heart, it’s your best advice giver. 

Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

Author’s Note- This piece is about Jamestown and why so many colonists died. While reading this piece, look for good organization, mainly in my body paragraphs.

America; it seemed like such a perfect place. The colonists decided to travel all the way from England on December 20th of 1606. They arrived in May of 1607 with 105 colonists. Many colonists died on the trip over from disease, but the ones who survived had a long troublesome journey ahead of them. They face many big issues; such as, a drought, headstrong Native American’s, and the wrong group of people. All of these things have to do with why this seemed so hard. If they would just start actually working, the outcome might have been different.
The new English settlers and the Native American’s that already lived in America had some differences. To be honest, I think they worked out their differences very childish. Instead of compromising or talking it out, they went to the absolute extremes and started fighting and using violence as a problem solver. The English cut off some of the Native American’s heads and other extremities. On the other hand, the Native American’s attacked the English and killed many of them. They both weren’t nice to each other

The Colonists had a lot of problems, but water was one of the biggest. They had many water sources, but it wasn’t clean. Such as, the river water was dirty most of the time because the tides from Chesapeake Bay  backed up the James River water. It stayed there and festered, rather than flushing away and brining in new, clean water. Also, the drinking water was brackish, therefore they couldn’t drink or cook with it. It was salty, like ocean water; drink too much of it and you hallucinate and start going crazy.  In 1607, they had a long period of time where it didn’t rain. This drought prevented them from growing crops to trade with the Native American’s and for having food for themselves.

The trip coming to America was a big deal, so automatically, you think the Colonists were super prepared; that wasn’t the case though. They didn’t bring over the best group of people to start a new life. On the first ship over, there were 47 gentleman, 12 laborers, 4 carpenters, 6 governors and more useless occupations. Some of these, such as the carpenters, could be useful with building. Most of these can’t do much though. The 47 gentleman are used to getting served and having people work for them. The Colonists poor decision on who to bring over on the first ship made a huge impact on the amount of people that died. Most of these people weren’t used to working hard and weren’t prepared for this, so they died from getting diseases and not having fighting abilities.

The whole process of getting everyone over to America, and then later traveling back to Europe, was a lot of work. The ones who survived, are the ones who actually worked and made the smart decision to fend for themselves. On the other hand, there were a lot of “gentleman” who were too lazy work, therefore, they ended up dying. They didn’t stay healthy, so they got diseases; or, they refused to plant crops, so they had nothing to eat. The Native American’s were very headstrong and weren’t afraid to attack the Colonists if needed. The ones who didn’t act fairly with the Native American’s were killed in the attack. This shows that if you want to start a new life, it is a lot of work and you have to be up for the challenge.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Author’s Note- I wrote this piece to show my understanding of Cause and Effect. While reading this piece, look for content.

Hollis is a young foster girl that just wants one thing: a family. When her foster care place gives her to the Regan’s, everything changes. The Regan’s were a family of 3: The old man, Izzy, and Steven. Before you know it, Hollis and Steven were the best of friends. Doing everything together, including taking wild adventurous journeys. Hollis always heard Steven and the Old Man talking about the mountain and how the view from the top was indescribable. Drawing was her passion, so she desperately wanted to make her way to the top of the mountain and sketch the beautiful sight. Although, she wanted to go, she knew it was a dangerous adventure. Her heart over ruled her mind in this one; she decided to go.

When Steven, Izzy and the Old Man all left, she packed a bag and made her way up the mountain. It took all her strength to make it to the top, but she did it. Hollis got to the top and was speechless; the view was unbearable. She just couldn’t imagine how majestic it was; she started drawing right away. The sun was setting by the time she was finished drawing. She just wanted to get one last look at the view and she stepped out when she lost her footing and slipped over the side of the mountain. With all her strength she held on to the side and managed to pull herself up. When she slipped over the side, she twisted her ankle and had a limp now. She was nervous about her trip back down and didn’t think she could make it before the rest of the family got home.

 She knew she’d have to start walking if she wanted to even have a chance, so she began her journey. When she was about half way down, her ankle was throbbing and she could barely walk. She fell to her knees and questioned her next move. That’s when she heard the sound of engines coming towards her. She shakily got to her legs and looked ahead. There was a faint light in the distance and she knew, Steven had come for her. Steven whipped the car around and Hollis jumped in. They started going down the hill and next thing you know, they were going 50 mph; next, 60, then 70. Steven tried to stop, but the brakes didn’t work. Panicking; Steven quickly spun the truck around, hoping it would come to a halt.  Instead, it continued to spin and flipped over, rolling down the hill. Hollis and Steven, both trapped inside, frantically thinking of ways to escape. That’s when, it went black. The next thing Hollis remembers is waking up in a hospital with doctors and nurses surrounding her. “Hollis, due to your severe accident, you’ve seemed to have broken your leg.” Hollis could hear the Old Man and Izzy yelling at Steven in the hallway; saying it was his fault. She desperately wished she could say something, but it was too late, they’d already blamed Steven.

Hollis is similar to David Pelzer, in A Child Called “It”. They’re both looking for two simple things, a family and to be loved by that family. Both of them are truly good kids and they don’t ask for much. Sure, they come from different backgrounds and have different scenarios. They have different lives, but they have the same personality and just want to be loved. In the end of both books, they both end up escaping the harsh life of being alone and find people who truly love them. I liked both books, but I personally think that A Child Called “It” was more engaging. So if you like sadder books that warm your heart in the end, either of these are great books!


Author's Note- This piece is about the conflict/resolution in the story "Big Boy". I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of conflict/resolution.

David Sedaris, a young boy comes across a big and rather gross problem at a family get-together. It was his family and another family having dinner together. They were eating dinner when David felt the urge to go to the bathroom. He excused himself from the table and headed towards the bathroom. As he got ready to go to the bathroom, he discovered that someone had left him a surprise in the toilet. He tried so hard to think of ways he could get rid of it, because he couldn’t leave it there and have someone else think it was his. Heaven forbid that would happen, so he thought and he thought. Throw it out the window, no. Pick it up, no. Then, someone from the dinner table had gotten up to check on him. They knocked on the door, David panicked, and right then and there was when he found the plunger. He shoved it right in the toilet and started plunging away! Then, here was the real test; would it flush? He pushed the lever down and the water started to spin. Not up this time, the water was going down. The big surprise had broke free and down the toilet it went.

In this story, “Big Boy,” shows an example of a person vs. person conflict. In other words, it was David vs. the gruesome surprise in the toilet.  Also, it was person vs. self, because he could of have left it there and none of this franticness would have occurred. Lastly, there is another person vs. person, and that would be him vs. the person knocking on the door. To be honest, I didn’t really learn any life lessons from this story. I guess I just learned to look for a plunger if this situation ever happens to me. I get that he didn’t want anyone to think it was his, but I think he overreacted just a bit. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

Author's Note- This is a retelling of the book A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of the reading skill retelling.

Growing up, "It" was never treated with love or care. The ways his mother abused him are unfathomable; you couldn't even begin to imagine how rough his life really was.Throughout this story, you will see how this poor boy has to fight for his life and what terrible obstacles he has to face.

I think this would be a good book for people who like non-fiction books that are full of emotion.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Author's Note- Some people get their feelings out by talking to someone or eating, but for me, it's shoes.

Ever since I was younger I’ve had a thing for shoes. I always walked around in my mom’s high heels and acted like a model. I’ve grown up to love and adore shoes. Shopping is a way for me to express my feelings; it brings happiness to me. Some people think that shopping is a waste of money, but it’s almost addictive. You see something you like and intend to have it. Looking my best has always been a must for me, especially when it comes to school. I wear outfits that correspond with the shoes and never hesitate to buy a new pair. Wearing stilettos might be an issue for me considering how tall I am, but people will just have to deal with looking up at me. Whether it’s stilettos or flats, I fall in love with every pair I see. The vibrant bright colors and the bold prints overwhelm me. Some people just see them as any ordinary pair of shoes, while I see them as an beautiful work of art.

Monday, May 14, 2012

One Direction

 Author's Note- I wrote about my favorite artist is One Direction and by reading this you will figure out why.

It all started with a singing competition show, The X-Factor. They began as small town dreamers, but they turned into stars. Their first single sold faster than the Beetle’s, and their concert tickets get sold out in a matter of minutes. This is no ordinary band, this is One Direction. This band is made up of 5 boys, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall. They all have their own personalities and star qualities. When they combine their talents together, they make music like no one’s ever heard before. Teenage girls fall head over heels when they hear One Direction on the radio. Every one of their songs has a situation that you could relate to. Whether it’s falling in love or trying to get over someone, they have a song for it. Most bands have at least one bad song, but I don’t think One Direction does, that’s why they’re my favorite band. Also how cute are British accents? I would rate this band 10 out of 10 because they sing like angels sliding down a rainbow and they are gorgeous, what’s not to like about them? They have a song for everyone’s liking, so people shouldn’t judge before they hear them.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Girl

Author’s Note- In the book The Clique, Lisi Harrison really describes how drama filled a teenage girls life can be, especially when you’re the new girl. You might not fit in at first, like Claire, but just keep trying and you’ll eventually make friends.

As I walked through the doors of the Block’s mansion, I saw a tall beautiful brunette. She looked like she came straight out of a Vogue magazine. Her name was Massie, and from head to toe she was dressed in designer clothes. Time froze, and in that moment, I knew I wasn’t meant to live in Westchester. Our first day back to school felt like a madhouse. I wasn’t making friends and didn’t fit in with anyone. “What if I never make friends”, I thought to myself. So far things aren’t going so well and I knew I was getting picked on, but was I getting bullied?

Being the new kid at school is always tough at first, you don’t have any friends and you don’t know where you’re going. Many new kids even get bullied for what they wear or even how they talk. 1 out of 6 people get bullied and Claire happens to be that one. Claire continuously got rude comments and comebacks from Massie and her friends. Eventually everyone finds friends though. Just like Claire, she became friends with Layne and later Massie. You can always accomplish what you think is impossible, you just have to try.

After you get made fun of a couple times, being a loaner seems like the better option. You just want to give up and stop trying because you think there’s no point. The problem is… there is a point in trying. You will find friends, no matter how much different you are from everyone else. You may even become friends with your worst enemies. Claire and Massie fought for almost the whole book, but in the end, they became the best of friends. Once they actually knew each other, they realized they weren’t so different after all. You just have to give that person a chance and I’m sure they’ll want to be your friend. I know how hard it can be making friends, I had to do it too.

When I moved to Pewaukee in kinder garden, I had to make friends when I didn’t know anyone. It was hard at first, but pretty soon I had tons of friends. Just be yourself and I’m sure they’ll love you. It’s even harder to make friends when you’re shy; that’s why I struggled with it. I’ve always had a fear with talking to people I don’t know, and I can tell that Claire suffered with the same phobia. Just face your fears and start talking to someone; you’ll be surprised how much you have in common.

Everyone has flaws, but true friends are willing to look past it. In the end Massie and Claire see each other as normal teenagers and realize they have a lot of the same interests. They become friends even though it seemed like the impossible. You just have to try and get yourself out there. Just be yourself, not someone you’re not because you think that character is cooler. Nothing is better than the real you. If people can’t except you for who you are, they aren’t meant to be your best friend. Go for the people that look past all your flaws and imperfections, those are your true friends.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tough Love

Author’s Note- In the book Angus, Thongs, and Full- Frontal Snogging, Louise Rennison really captured a teenage girls struggles in life. I could relate to this book because I don’t have a perfect life either; there are always ups and downs. Even though she thought she would never get him, she tried anyways… and trying pays off.

Shaving your eyebrows off, losing your cat, and falling for a guy is all part of growing up… Well for Georgia Nicolson anyways. Life has never been a ray of sunshine for her up until the day she met Robby. She thought he was the most beautiful human being that ever walked this earth.You may feel like nothing’s going right, but just remember everything happens for a reason.

I thought that the movie and book were both funny and kept my attention, although some things were different. Such as, Georgia shaving off both of her eyebrows in the book and just half of one in the movie. Most of the main parts in the book were also in the movie, but there were just a couple things that changed. Over all, I really enjoyed the plot of the book, because it really showed how interesting a teenage girls life can be. Her life isn’t perfect, my life isn’t perfect, and everyone I know feels life isn’t perfect, and it probably never will be, but you just have to make the best of it.

Falling for a guy can be incredibly magical, but it can also be the worst days of your life. Guys are tough; they want you to take a joke, but then if you make fun of them… Oh no, that’s crossed the line. Guys like to show off in front of their friends that’s why they don’t like being made fun of. You and your boyfriend will always have ups and downs, but in the end it’s all worth it. You just have to date a few guys and see what your type is. Then you’ll know who the love of your life is truly.

 The first guy you date isn’t always “him”.  You’ll get your heart broken or have to break someone else’s heart, but going through all that hassle makes the journey all the more better. I know Georgia was really happy in the end with Robby, and I know that they are meant to be together. When there are hard times, just face them together and you’ll be just fine.

Never settle for someone you’re not in love with. Always go for the person who treats you the best and the one that makes you smile every second of the day, because the path that leads you to them is rough and in the end you deserve the best. Just always follow your heart and remember that everything happens for a reason. That’s exactly how Georgia found Robby and that’s how everyone else finds their true love, by listening to their heart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The One for Me

Author’s Note- When everyone is telling you to give up and go for someone else, deep inside your heart… you know he’s the one.

Just like David’s smile, I can relate to liking someone a lot and them not even knowing. In the book “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Three", it tells stories about real people that may being going through the same things as me. Just like how I’ve liked the same guy for about two years; but somehow, he chooses to just blow me off for a bunch of other girls. He knows that I like him, but he just acts like he doesn’t even know I exist. But deep down in my heart, I know that he’s the one for me.

Perfect. The word I would use to describe him as. You can’t help but fall in love the minute you set eyes on him. I just melt when I see his big brown eyes widen, or as he flips his luscious brown hair. For a second, everything seems perfect. Then you see his girlfriend walking beside him, and you say to yourself… why can’t that be me? Sure, I’m not blonde, and I don’t have the perfect body. But hey, I’m not half bad.

I have long brown hair with a tint of red, big brown eyes, an okay smile, but most of all… I have a heart. Not many people can say that. I feel special that I have a heart and can honestly love someone from the inside out. My loves aren’t just those fake ones where you say “<3 u” over text message. Mine is a hug, holding hands, and then saying I love you, and actually meaning it. I can actually love someone the right way… can you?

“If we loved again, I swear I’d love you right”, by Taylor Swift, in her song Back to December. Those lyrics are the story of my life. If I could date that guy again, I swear I’d love him right. I know, the first time I screwed up, but this time I know what I’m doing and I would really like a second chance. Life is all about mistakes; without them, you wouldn’t be who you are today. I don’t want to let him slip away, like she let David slip away. That’s why I’m trying to hold on, I’m just hoping I can hold on long enough without letting go first.

I’m a lover, not a fighter. But I’ll fight for what I love. That’s how I feel about this guy. I just wish he could stop being so  mean to me though, because I’m trying so hard not to let him go. When I feel like he’s trying to get away from me as fast as he can. I just don’t feel like I’m ready to give up yet. If I try hard enough, I know I’ll get a second chance with him, because he is… the one for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My First Game

Author's Note- I've been playing soccer since I was little, and I've loved it ever since.

Dribbling, passing, and shooting are all part of the sport, soccer. Many people prefer to use their hands in sports, but I like to be an oddball and use my feet. I still remember my first soccer game I ever played. It was in 4th grade, and our team name was Magic. My friend Skyler was dribbling the ball next to me. We were on offense and were going up for the goal. Each trembling step was an inch closer to the victory! She tripped and fell right before the goal. I looked down and thought to myself, I guess it’s my turn to score. So I took the ball and my mind shouted SHOOT! I planted my foot on the ground and swung. I took a corner shot, and it hit the net! I scored, in my first game. Ever since, I’ve felt passionate about this sport. Til this day, I play soccer and am on a wreck team. One day when I work hard enough, I’ll be on select again.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Never Give Up

Author’s Note- While reading this, you will experience the pain of a little boy going through tragic abuse. The book “A Child Called It” was really intriguing because in close detail, it really captures what it would feel like to be abused.

Many people have been verbally and mentally abused, but try being physically abused. Beating after beating, you feel like it’s a nightmare that you can never escape. Most people think that physical abuse doesn’t go on in this world, but those people are wrong. It seems like there’s no abuse or harm because the ones getting abused are afraid to speak. They want to just keep quiet and unspoken. Nothing’s going to get better if you don’t speak up though; because life isn’t always a ray of sunshine. So while the clouds hang over your head, just remember to never give up.

David Pelzer had some pretty rough and tragic times through his childhood. The crazy thing is that his family started off flawless and connected; but as the years went on, the mother began to hate David or “It”. Even though his mother hated and treated him like trash, deep down inside, David never gave up. Every day was a struggle and a fight for survival. Without having food for days on end, he became weaker and weaker by the hour. Yet, he continued to do his daily chores that mother insisted on. Through all the punches, slaps, and thrashes, David never back down from a fight.

Since he never backed down from a fight, he learned to never give up. Somehow through everything he went through, he didn’t give up hope. He was determined to get out of his Mother’s mad-house. David felt unloved and alone, and on the outside it showed. But deep down in the inside, he knew he would someday be loved and have a family of his own. All he needs to do is pray to God and ask him for help and guidance. God makes everything ok and back to reality. He can make your life feel like a fairytale, but you have to be the one to make the first move.

David’s first move was to not go off and abuse others, but to help others and explain to them the realism in abuse. Most people that got abused go off as adults and continue to abuse others. Not David though, he was a special boy. He helped other people that have been abused or were abusers. They soon learned the importance of not giving up hope. He’s talked to schools and he even wrote this book. Knowing that he wrote the book made it all the more special. What really jumped out at me in the book was the voice. As I read the book, I felt as though I was encountering all the same things that he did. The book seems so real; like you just want to go and save him from all his suffering.

Even after everything David went through in his childhood, he turned out to be a good influence on others. He gives help to people that are going through or went through the same thing he did. It gives him a warm feeling inside when he feels he can help others. He never thought he would be able to do this, but he did one thing that kept him from being like most of the abused… He never gave up.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Wonderful World of Cats!

Author’s Note- This story is all about cats! Different breeds, colors, and personality’s. 

Cats are indeed my favorite animal. Not just because they’re cute, but because they really are an interesting animals. There are short and long haired cats; if they’re long haired, be sure to brush them regularly. Different breeds have different personalities. Therefore a ragdoll is very laid-back, while a Siamese or a cat that had a stressful past would be more tense and skittish.  I have two cats of my own; one orange ragdoll and one black, white, and gray shelter cat. The ragdoll has long, thick, fluffy fur; while my other cat has short hair. Although my shelter cat has short hair, that doesn’t mean it’s not soft. Many people think that, but they’re wrong. Cats are my life and I hope I have some when I get older.

An Earrings Adventure

Author’s note- This story is written from the point of view of a pair of diamond earrings, that get lost and go on a journey trying to find the other one.

“I think it’s my special day!” I exclaimed to my friend, Jules, she’s very blingy, so I don’t get why she hasn’t gotten bought. Someone strikes my eyes, and it’s a teenage girl with her friend. Both tall and had stylish. I’m a cute pair of earrings, so hopefully I fit their taste and budget. I’ve been waiting here on this dusty old shelf ever since I can remember. Waiting for that one day; the day I get bought! 

Till this day, I remember the very moment of my purchase. I felt like I’d mastered everything in the world. Now, I sit in the bathroom, next to the hand soap, body spray and lotion. It’s early in the morning and I just woke up. Bella won’t put me on in a while because she gets up really late.  So I wait; As I here, I start a conversation with the body spray. I think his name is Justin Bieber? Considering that’s what it says on his side. A cute plastic flower tops of the lid of his bottle. O quick, everyone into position, Bella’s coming! She opened up the bathroom door with a squeaky noise coming from the hinges. Bed-head, make-up smeared, and pink pajamas. If only the boys at her school could see this! She picked me up and plopped me into her ears. While she was brushing her ratty hair, I got caught in her hair and she brushed one of me right out. Onto the floor I went, I sat there next to the rug and a couple of lost bobby pins. 

I thought I’d be lost forever! When I was sure Bella had left for school, I got up and wondered how I would ever see my other half again. We are simply not a pair alone, and suddenly I became very sad, until the bobby pins came over and said they would help me find my other earring. Jumping for joy, I said thank you and gave them big hugs. The three of them and I set out on our journey. We somehow managed to climb our way to the top of the bathroom counter. We asked the soap how to get to school, but he simply answered “I’ve never been”. Flashing a confused look at him, he started to explain. “I originally came from Bath and Body Works. Then Mrs. Mouradian bought me, along with my 2 brothers and sisters. My brother is in Bella’s parents bathroom, but my sister is across the counter, by Gabby’s sink. We’ve never been out of this bathroom.” “Oh gotcha,” I yelled out. Then how am I possibly supposed to get to the school?, I thought to myself. 

“Maybe I should just stay here and wait for my other earring to come back.” The Justin Bieber body spray looked at me in amazement. “Wow! That’s really a great idea!” he shouted. Let’s just say he’s not the sharpest crayon in the box. While time passed, we played games and had a great time! It was getting later and I expected her to be home soon. Also I was missing my other half, considering I’ve never been away from them before. Soon Bella arrived and I became instantly excited! She came in the bathroom, but not to take the other earring off; just to go the bathroom. Thanks for getting my hopes up Bella! 

When she was done going to the bathroom, she pulled up her sleeves and washed her hands. Then she put her hands up heading towards her head. I started smiling, until I saw that she was just fixing her hair. Then she put her hands on her ears and found that she was missing one. She looked at the counter, and saw that I was sitting there. She whispered to herself saying, “Oh, must have forgot to put it in.” So she took the other earring out and left the bathroom. Finally we were back together, and “you have no idea how much I missed you!” I said to my other earring. She answered, “me too!”

Monday, January 16, 2012


Author’s Note- I’m writing about what I think the lyrics to the song Invisible by Taylor Swift mean.
In the song “Invisible” by Taylor Swift, it describes her life when she really likes a guy but she feels like she’s invisible to him. I can completely relate to that. I have felt like that so much, It’s always he likes another girl, or were just “friends”. I’ve hung out with him many times, and I even got him a gift from when I went to Florida. It was a $5 key chain, expensive… I know. But honestly, I feel like I’ve done everything, and he’s still not getting it. Now suddenly he likes this girl that lives in Illinois and he’s seen her about two times. Oh and did I mention, she’s his friends cousin. Awkward! Anyways, the point is that I’ve been secretly in love with him since about last year.